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Global COVID-19 activity remains mixed, although up in Western Pacific and Africa

Cases and death continued to decline globally over the past 4 weeks, with hot spots reported in a few countries as XBB Omicron variant proportions continue to shift, the World Health Organization (WHO) said today in its latest weekly update.


Activity is up, however, in two regions: the Western Pacific by 10% and Africa by 3%. Deaths declined or were stable in all six regions.


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Global COVID markers decline, but hot spots remain in Asia and the Mideast

Though COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to decline over the past 4 weeks, the World Health Organization (WHO) is tracking rises in two of its regions, South East Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. In its weekly update today, it also noted rises in individual countries in other parts of the world.


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Increased physical activity associated with lower risk of severe COVID-19 --study

A South Korean study shows a complex relationship between moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and COVID-19, with a regular exercise habit linked to COVID-19 infection early in the pandemic but also associated with a significantly lower risk of developing severe symptoms. The study was published yesterday in JAMA Network Open.


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Opinion: Small vaccine stockpiles can stop outbreaks of infectious disease from becoming big

...while fast-tracking candidate vaccines represents a positive step forward in the race to stop these outbreaks and to improve global health security, it raises an important question. If vaccine candidates already existed for both of these viruses before the outbreaks began, then why weren’t investigational stockpiles of vaccine ready to go when the first cases were detected?


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